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Monday's LATER VLog Moment

I always crave sweets at night. Im going to try it out tomorrow! :) Let me know what you think!

Yogic Breathing - Pranayama
  • revitalizes the entire body.
  • balances emotions.
  • promotes clarity of the mind.

    Most breathing exercises are performed sitting down, while keeping the spine, neck and head in a straight line. This aids in the flow of prana and creates space for the lungs to expand more fully.

    According to yogic belief, life expectancy is linked to the frequency of respiration. A tortoise breathes very slowly and lives a long life. A mouse breathes faster, living a more frantic lifestyle with a much shorter life.

    Ujjayi (ooh-jai-yee) breathing is the key to conscious breathing. It means to expand succes. It id characterized by a soft, deep, hollow sound coming from the throat. This sound will draw your attention to your breath. With mouth close breathe in and out your nose, narrowing your vocal chords a little bit. Ujjayi breathing can be used in your daily life to reduce stress, develope mindfulness and slow you down so you can see the beauty of life all around you in detail.

    Kapalabhati (reminds me of buti fire breath) means "skull shining" great for clearing the mind. You breathe in relaxed and force your exhale contracting the abs. This exhalation rids the lower lungs of stale air, allowing fresh oxygen to refresh the respiratory system. Repeat about 20 times. Find your own rythmic pace.

    Sat Nam.
Intro to Chakras

Intro to Chakras
Chakras (pronounced cha-kra, with a hard ch) are spinning energy centers in the body that lie along the body main energy pathways. (sometimes called prana or chi) Even if you don't know it you have probably experienced them at some point in time. They are located near the midline of the body from the base of the spine to the crown of the head.
These energy systems correspond to certain glands, nerve centers, and organs in the body. They also correspond to various aspects of the body's physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual state. Each chakra identifies with an aspect of the self: grounding and safety, movement and sexuality, personal power, love, communication, intuition, and spiritual connection.

Breakdown of Each Chakra

First : Color: Red The base or root Chakra located at the base of the spine. Responsible for basic survival needs, groundedness, sexuality and strength.

Second : Color: Orange the Womb/Spleen Chakra is located below the navel. Responsible for: creativity, intimacy and warmth.

Third color: Yellow The Solar Plexus Chakra located above the navel. Responsible for: confidence, power and learning.

Fourth Color: Green Heart Chakra located in the middle of the chest. Responsible for: love, healing, unity, empathy and service.

Fifth Color: Sky Blue Throat Chakra located at the throat. Responsible for: communication, creativity and expression.

Sixth Color: Indigo or White Third eye Chakra located between the eyebrows just above the bridge of the nose. Responsible for: Psychic abilities and higher consciousness.

Seventh Color: Purple or Violet Crown Chakra located at the top of the head. Responsible for: spirit and higher self.

- See more at: http://www.qualified-lifecoach.com/Chakra

Chakras are an amazing tool to help you understand yourself and your body in a deeper way. They are constantly shifting energy and they can measure who you are at any given moment in time.

It's important to remember that your chakras do not affect you. YOU affect your chakras.

Learning how to read and manipulate your own chakras is a powerful tool for balancing, healing, and improving your life.

Sat Nam

Be Grateful for the Purpose of the Relationship. MCM Day 25

Today I realize that every relationship is an assignment. Through these assignments I will learn things about myself that will allow me to further unblock my connection from my true purpose. I am grateful for the lessons I have learned and I am excited about the opportunities that await.

How to Know the Difference Between your Inner Guide and the Ego.

Im a Newbie to Gabby's Spirit Junkie Lifestyle but I am here to tell you once you get your ING on you know the difference. BTW. Her books are life changers. I have already pre ordered Miracles Now.

Some yoga info to share.

Some yoga info to share.
Want to help achieve balance in all areas of your life and body? Be centered and calm or know what to do to achieve this? Create peace of mind and discover more about your body?
Then try some yoga. It wilk also improve your physical health and overall well-being. See the chart included as a general reference to get started. I recommend trying several different styles to see what you enjoy most. The most beneficial workout is the one you WILL do.
Yoga means "union" the union between mind, body and spirit. The union between us and the spirit of creation. The Oneness of all Things.

ButiYoga Classes for February

ButiYoga Classes for February
I am stoked about ButiYoga classes! Keep in mind this is a trial month for me with class times ect. Please feel free to leave me feed back on times and days that will better suit your schedules and I will keep those in mind for March.

February's class schedule is posted below.

SUN 2nd
Tone 3-4 Scuplt 4-4:30
SAT 8th
Tone 1:30 -2:30
SUN 9th
Tone 4-5
SUN 16th
Tone 3-4 Sculpt 4-4:30
SAT 22nd
SUN 23rd
Tone 3-4

Currently these classes will be held at Evolution MMA on Fort Henry Dr. (36 hwy right beside Romantic Escapades) I will update on here and my facebook page if location or weather causes changes.

You need :
Yoga Mat
Sweat Towel (Optional)

Classes are 5.00 if you decide to come to the Sat and Sun classes the same week your Sat class is 5.00 and your Sun class is 3.00. I also have class punch cards on the way!

Try to be at class a few mins early until we all get into the groove of things.

This is more then just a great workout class. It has the ability to change you from the inside out. I know from 1st hand experience and it have been an amazing journey. Id like to continue this journey with you. Come with an open mind and get ready to ButiYoga.

Monday's VLOG Moment

How to Find a Supportive Community Gabrielle Bernstein Hey everyone. Cass here. This is where I will share with you my journey and extend the knowledge and life style that December 7th, 2013 has brought me into. I will continute this journey as long as I feel lead to do so. Thank you for all your love and support. My hope is that through my ButiYoga class we will come together and not only have an empowering workout class but create a Tribe (communty) in which we share our love and support for each other. I want to achieve oneness in class. We are all one. Each individual will bring a new and exciting element to class in which we will use to inspire and motivate each other throughout this journey. Sat Nam