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The Power of Your Presence -Gabby B.

Yogi Bhajan said, “If your presence doesn’t work, neither will your word.” Many of us are in danger of going through life failing to pay attention to the simple greatness of our presence. Our presence is our power. {Tweet it}. Even more than what we say or do, our presence has the power to dictate the outcome of any situation. Neglecting to bring the energy of grace to every situation blocks us from our purpose. However, when we learn to align our being with positivity, love, freedom and light, then life can begin to flow. Energy is everything. In this video clip from my Manifest Miracles Now workshop, I talk about the importance of fine-tuning our energy. Mastering this art can have a massively positive impact on your life and on the world. Enjoy this clip and if you dig it you can watch the full 3-hour workshop! Details here.
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