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Miracles Now

Hi everyone,

I’m thrilled to share exciting news with you: My dear friend Gabrielle Bernstein just launched her newest soon-to-be best seller,Miracles Now. You can buy it in beautiful hardcover or as an e-book.

Gabrielle knows that most of us don’t have tons of free time every day to devote to meditation or yoga. Sometimes it’s even a challenge to squeeze a 20-minute walk into a super busy workday. That’s why Miracles Now {LINK TO: http://gabbyb.tv/miracles} is a collection of 108 life-changing tools to help you melt stress, achieve flow, and find your purpose — in just a few powerful minutes.

Gabrielle handpicked her 108 favorite tools and lessons from personal growth, spirituality, and Kundalini yoga to share. You can read the book cover to cover, open it a random lesson any time you need a miracle, and turn to it time and time again. It’s a remarkable book and one that Gabrielle designed specifically to be picked up at a moment’s notice.

If you’re not yet familiar with Gabrielle, she’s the New York Times best-selling author ofMay Cause Miracles, an inspirational speaker, a teacher of A Course in Miracles, and a certified Kundalini yoga instructor. Oprah even featured her as a new thought leader on her Emmy-winning, Super Soul Sunday. Gabby is also the best-selling author of Spirit Junkie and Add More ~ing to Your Life. As you can tell, she’s the real deal.

Oh, and Gabby is offering a FREE access to her Manifesting Miracles course when you order the book. {LINK TO: http://gabbyb.tv/miracles}

Ready for miracles every day? OrderMIRACLES NOW {LINK TO: http://gabbyb.tv/miracles} today to access these 108 amazing and truly life-changing tools.

All my Love,

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